Friday, June 26, 2015

Internet of things Daily update ⋅ June 24, 2015

Internet of things
Daily update  June 24, 2015
Senators Urge GAO to Study Internet of Things
A bipartisan group of senators that has been urging lawmakers to pay more attention to the Internet of Things is now pushing the Government ...
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Bad Advice for Strangers: The Internet of things
More things around the home are going to be connected to the internetin the next decade. Google recently created a programming language ...
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A Columbus entrepreneur aims to solve the Internet of Things' power problem
A Columbus entrepreneur aims to fix the huge power problem standing in the way of the Internet of Things. AwareAbility LLC aims to deploy ...
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Internet of Things apps can be very profitable
Although the Internet of Things is often regarded as a technology that is yet to really burst into life, a recent study reveals that it can already be hugely ...
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Kaspersky on Smart Fridges: 'Internet of Things? I Call It Internet of Threats'
Eugene Kaspersky is one of the world's foremost cybersecurity experts, and his firm Kaspersky Lab routinely discovers new viruses and cyberattacks ...
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The Internet of Things: Tracking the 'Cross-Everywhere' Consumer
Technologies like wearables, biometrics and the internet of things(IoT) could serve as points of convergence for digital identity to make interactions ...
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The Globe and Mail
Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics Market Worth $16.35 Billion by 2020
According to a new market report "Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics Market by Application Platform (Telematics, Wearable, Building Automation, ...
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RF Globalnet
The Internet of Things - There's a Degree For That Now!
What is the 'internet of things' and why would anyone want to do a degree course in it? One of the world's first formal 'internet of things' qualifications ...
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Do digital business, big data and the Internet of Things play well together?
Then there's the Internet of Things (IoT). It's an interconnected world in which more and more devices are embedded, increasingly mobile and smarter ...
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Preparing for the Internet of Things: Are Your Customers' Networks Ready?
Examples of how the Internet of Things (IoT) can impact people's daily lives are becoming increasingly common. I can now change my home sec.
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Temperatures are rising with insights from theInternet of Things
This infographic includes client views on analytics and the Internet of Things while also diving deeper into their use of IBM solutions, including IBM ...
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SAP on Twitter: "What is the Internet of Things? - #IoT"
Retweets 16; Favorites 14; JobberTechTalk · Shweta Khare · Kevin Scahill · BayPM · Internet of Things · Ronald van Loon · Centric Digital · Mandy ...
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